Thursday, March 27, 2014

I'm Bald!!!

So, I did it, I finally had to breakdown and shave my head. My hair had gotten pretty bad, so bad that my bald head actually looks better than the little hair that I had left. Pretty crazy to say! Yolanda shaved it off, and she too agreed it was time. She said when she shaved it my hair was practically falling out in her hand. The number one thing woman fret about when they are diagnosed with cancer is "O My God, I am going to lose my hair"!!! I definitely have not been any different, as I have dreaded the day I would be bald. That day came today! It was emotional, but I am glad it is over! Really, the only other thing I have now that I don't want to lose are my long, lushes eyelashes. These though too have started to come out. Yolanda and I found a great new store in Lubbock today and I was able to stock up on some great human hair eyelashes, head bands, maintenance items for my wigs.......and another super cute blonde wig!

Soooooooo, here it is, a picture of my bald, pale head:

And here is my other new wig. I think it actually looks pretty close to my real hair:

And so my journey with breast cancer continues!


  1. Still beautiful. I enjoy reading your blog and just encourage you to stay positive. Many prayers are going up in your behalf.

  2. Keep the fight going, Karin. I do agree. One of the most difficult things to deal about cancer is the circumstance wherein we lose all of our hair. However, let’s look on the bright side. You won't have any problem on having to manage your hair everyday. That wig is really pretty and close to how your former hair looked. Wishing you all the best all the time! :D
    Collene Puterbaugh @ Baja Hair Center
